Freshman Connection & New Student Orientation begins on Tuesday, August 23 to Thursday, August 25. Breakfast, lunch, and transportation will be provided. Attendance is required and the school day will run from 7:55 a.m. to 2 p.m. Uniforms are required as follows: HFCA t-shirt or Polo (provided), black or beige pants, black shoes, black belt. Students who attend 100% will receive a college t-shirt that can be worn on Fridays.
Schedule for the Week
August 23: Meet everyone — classmates, teachers, alumni, current students! Get your login information to the computer, grading platform; Learn where everything is.
August 24: UWM Campus Tour, Get Your Schedule, Learn how to network for professional situations
August 25: Preview of the new building and programs, career exploration, receive your Chromebook.
Scholars who attend 100% Freshman Connection & New Student Orientation will receive a college t-shirt that can be worn on Fridays.
For more information, please call our office at (414) 873-4014.